Quantum™ Alexa Fluor® 647 MESF

Referência BLI647A-1

Tamanho : 1ml

Marca : Polysciences

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Quantum™ Alexa Fluor® 647 MESF

Grouped product items
Catalog Number Unit Size QTY
BLI647A-1 1 ml
BLI647B-5 5 ml
BLI647C-14 14 ml

Product Overview

Quantitative MESF Kits consist of a series of reference microbead standards whose intensities have been calibrated in Molecules of Equivalent Soluble Fluorochrome (MESF) units. Our FREE Flow Cytometry Data Analysis template, QuickCal®, works with all Quantum™ MESF Kits (Access Number provided with your standards).

A test requires one drop (50μl, ~100,000 particles) of each particle suspension. Bangs Flow Cytometry Standards are 7-9μm in diameter (unless otherwise noted) to approximate the size of human lymphocytes.

Available in three test size volumes:

A - 20 tests (1ml)

B - 100 tests (5ml)

C - 280 tests (2 x 7ml)

Flow Cytometry, surface marker expression analysis (quantitation)
Shipping Requirements:


Concentration (nom.):
~2.0e+6 particles per mL
Suspending Solution:
PBS + 0.001% SDS

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Safety & Storage

Protect from light;Store at 4 degrees celsius;Do not permit to freeze

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