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Greber, B., Lehrach, H., and Adjaye, J. Fibroblast growth factor 2 modulates transforming growth factor β signaling in mouse embryonic fibroblasts and human ESCs (hESCs) to support hESC self-renewal.Stem Cells25: 455-464 (2007).
Additional Publications
Prahl JD; Pierce Se; van der Schans EJC; Goetzee GA; Tyson T. The Parkinson's disease variant rs356182 regulates neuronal differentiation independently from alpha-synuclein. Human Molec Genetics ddac161:doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddac161 (2022).
Li LK; Huang W-C; Hsueh Y-Y; Yanauchi Kk Olivares N; Davila R; Fang J; Ding X; Zhao W; Soto J; Hasani M; Novitch B; Li S. Intramuscular delivery of neural crest stem cell spheroids enhances neuromuscular regeneration after denervation injury. Stem Cell Research Therapy 13:205 (2022).
Cheng C; Reis S; Adams ET; Fass DM; Angus SP ;Stuhlmiller TJ; Richardson J; Olafson H; Wang ET; Patnaik D; Beauchamp RL; Feldman DA; Silva MC; Sur M; Johnson GL; Ramesh V; Miller BL; Temple S; Kosik KS; Dickerson BC; Haggarty SJ. High-content image-based analysis and proteomic profiling identifies Tau phosphorylation inhibitors in a human iPSC-derived glutamatergic neuronal model of tauopathy. Sci Rep 11:17029 (2021).
Pottmeier P Doszyn O; Peuckert C; Jazin E. Increased Expression of Y-Encoded Demethylases During Differentiation of Human Male Neural Stem Cells.Stem Cells Develin Press:// (2020).
McQuade A; Kang YJ; Hasselmann J; Jaioraman A; Sotelo A; Coburn M; Shabestari SK; Chadarevian JP; Fote G; Tu CH; Danhash E; Silva J; Martinez E; Gotman C; Prieto GA; Thompson LM; Steffan JS; Smith I; Davtyan H; Calahan M; Cho H; Blurton-Jones M. Gene expression and functional deficits underlie TREM2-knockout microglia responses in human models of Alzheimer:5370 (2020).
Bonnard C; Navaratnam V; Ghosh K; Chan PW; Tan TT; Pomp O; Ng AYG; Tohari S; Changede R; Carling D; Benkatesh B; Altunoglu U; Kayserili H; Reversade B. A loss-of-function NUAK2 mutation in humans causes anencephaly due to impaired Hippo-YAP signaling.J Exp Med217:e20191561 (2020).
Fukunaga I; Shirai K; Oe Y; Danzaki K; Ohta SZ; Shiga T; Chen C; Ikeda K; Akamatsu W; Kawano A; Kamiya K. Generation of two induced pluripotent stem cell lines from PBMCs of siblings carrying c.235delC mutation in the GJB2 gene associated with sensorineural hearing loss.Stem Cell Res47:101910 (2020).
Fukunaga I; Shiga T; Chen C; Oe Y; Danzaki K; Ohta S; Matsuoka R; Anzai R; Hibiya-Motegi R; Tajima S; Ikeda K; Akamatsu W; Kamiya K. Generation of the induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) line (JUFMDOi004-A) from a patient with hearing loss carrying GJB2 (p.V37I) mutation.Stem Cell Resin (2019).
Durens M; Nestor J; Herold K Niescier RF; Lunden FW; Phillips AW; Lin Y-C; Nestor MW. High-content interrogation of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cortical organoid platforms.bioRxiv : (2019).
Schlick SF. Fibroblast-Cardiomyocyte Cross-Talk in Heart Muscle Formation and Function.Ph.D. Thesis, Georg-August University Göttingen: (2018).
Song Y; Subramanian K; Berberich MJ; Reoriguez S; Latorre IJ; Luria CM; Everly R; Albers MW; Mitchison TJ; Sorger PK. A dynamic view of the proteomic landscape during differentiation of ReNcell VM cells, an immortalized human neural progenitor line.Scientific Data6:190016 (2019).
Kilander MB; Wang C-H; Chang C-H; Nestor JE; Herold K; Tsai J-W; Nestor MW; Lin Y-C. A rare human CEP290 variant disrupts the molecular integrity of the primary cilium and impairs Sonic Hedgehog machinery.Sci Rep8:17335 (2018).
Yang G; Hong H; Trres A; Malloy KE; Choudhury CR; Kim J; Daadi MM. Standards for Deriving Nonhuman Primate-Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells, Neural Stem Cells and Dopaminergic Lineage.Int J Mol Sci19:2788 (2018).
Pierce SE; Tyson T; Booms A; Prahl J; Coetzee GA. Parkinson's disease genetic risk in a midbrain neuronal cell line.Neurobiol of (2018).
Velasquez-Mao AJ; Tsao CJM; Monroe MN; Legras X; Bissig-Choisat B; Bissig K-D; Ruano R; Jacot JG. Differentiation of spontaneously contracting cardiomyocytes from non-virally reprogrammed human amniotic fluid stem cells.PLoS ONE12(5):e177824 (2017).
Noack C; Haupt LP; Zimmerman W-H; Streckfuss-Bomeke; Zelarayan LC. Generation of a KLF15 homozygous knockout human embryonic stem cell line using paired CRISPR/Cas9n, and human cardiomyocytes derivation.Stem Cell Research23:127-131 (2017)
Momcilovic O; Sivapatham R; Oron TR; Meyer M; Mooney S; Rao MA; Zeng X. Derivation, characterization, and neural differentiation of integration-free induced pluripotent stem cell lines from Parkinson's disease patients carrying SNCA, LRRK2, PARK2, and GBA mutations. PLoS ONE11(5): e0154890. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0154890 (2016)
Bhutani K; Nazor KL; Williams R; Tran H; Dai H; Dzakula ZZ; Cho EH; Pang AWC; Roa M; Cao H; Schorck NJ; Loring JF. Whole-genome mutational burden analysis of three pluripotency induction methods.Nature Commun7:10536 (2016)
Zhu S; Russ HA; Wang X; Zhang M; Ma T; Xu T; Tang S; Hebrok M; Deng S. Human pancreatic β-like cells converted from fibroblasts. Nature Commun7:10080 (2016)
Chiang P-M; Wong PC. Differentiation of an embryonic stem cell to hemogenic endothelium by defined factors: Essential role of bone morphogenetic protein 4.Development138: 2833-2843 (2011)