Stemolecule LDN-193189

Referência 04-0074-10

Tamanho : 10mg

Marca : ReproCELL

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Stemolecule™ LDN-193189

04-0074 / 04-0074-10 / 04-0074-02

Brand: Stemolecule

LDN193189 is a cell permeable, small molecule inhibitor of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) type I receptors ALK2 and ALK3.

CAS Number: 1062368-24-4
Alternate Name(s):
  • LDN193189
  • 4-(6-(4-(piperazin-1-yl)phenyl)pyrazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidin-3-yl)quinoline hydrochloride

Note: shown do not include shipping and handling charges.

Product Information

  1. Yu, P.B., Deng, D.Y., Lai, C.S., Hong, C.C., Cuny, G.D., Bouxsein, M.L., Hong, D.W., McManus, P.M., Katagiri, T., Sachidanandan, C., Kamiya, N., Fukuda, T., Mishina, Y., Peterson, R.T., and Bloch, K.D. BMP type I receptor inhibition reduces heterotopic [corrected] ossification. Nat Med 14: 1363-1369 (2008).
  2. Yu, P.B., Hong, C.C., Sachidanandan, C., Babitt, J.L., Deng, D.Y., Hoyng, S.A., Lin, H.Y., Bloch, K.D., and Peterson, R.T. Dorsomorphin inhibits BMP signals required for embryogenesis and iron metabolism. Nat Chem Biol 4: 33-41 (2008).
  3. Cuny, G.D., Yu, P.B., Laha, J.K., Xing, X., Liu, J.F., Lai, C.S., Deng, D.Y., Sachidanandan, C., Bloch, K.D., and Peterson, R.T. Structure-activity relationship study of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling inhibitors. Bioorg Med Chem Lett 18: 4388-4392 (2008).
  4. Heisenberg, C.P., and Solnica-Krezel, L. Back and forth between cell fate specification and movement during vertebrate gastrulation. Curr Opin Genet Dev 18: 311-316 (2008).
  5. Cain, J.E., Hartwig, S., Bertram, J.F., and Rosenblum, N.D. Bone morphogenetic protein signaling in the developing kidney: present and future. Differentiation 76: 831-842 (2008).

Additional Publications

  • Wang M; Li W; Hao J; Conzales A; Zhao Z; Flores RS; Kuang X; Mu X; Ching T; Tang G; Luo Z; Garciamendez-Mijares EC; Sahoo JK; Wells MF; Niu G; Agrawal P; Quiñonoes-Hinojosa A; Eggan K; Zhang YS. Molecularly cleavable bioinks facilitate high-performance digital light processing-based bioprinting of functional volumetric soft tissues. Nature Commun 13:3317 (2022).
  • Nie J; Ueda Y; Solivais AJ; Hashino E. CHD7 regulates otic lineage specification and hair cell differentiation in human inner ear organoids. Nature Commun 13:7053 (2022).
  • Takao T; Yamada D; Takarda T. A protocol to induce expandable limb-bud mesenchymal cells from human pluripotent stem cells. Star Protocols 3:101786 (2022).
  • Cohen B; McPhie D; Ren B; Garcia-Leon J; Verfaille C. SOX10 Expression Levels may be a Critical Mediator of White Matter Deficits in Schizophrenia. BioRivX (2022).
  • Gonzàlez BJ; Zhao H; Niu J; Williams DJ; Lee J; Goulbourne CN' Xing Y; Wang Y' Oberholzer J; Blumenkrantz MH; Chen X; LeDuc CA; Chung WK; Colecraft HM; Gromada J; ShenY; Goland RS; Leibel RL; Egli D. Reduced calcium levels and accumulation of abnormal insulin granules in stem cell models of HNF1A deficiency. Commun Biology 5:779 (2022).
  • Liang L ;Tian Y; Feng L; Wang C; Feng G; Stacey GN; Shyh-Change N; Wu J; Hu B; Li W: Hao J; Wang L; Wang Y. Single-cell transcriptomics reveals the cell fate transitions of human dopaminergic progenitors derived from hESCs. Stem Cell Res Therap 13:412 (2022).
  • Lu V; Doan MT; Roy IJ; Torres A; Teitell MA;. Protocol for germ lineage differentiation of primed human pluripotent stem cells using chemically defined, nutrient-balanced media. Star Protocols 3:101568 (2022).
  • Ateaque S. Neurotrophin-3 signalling in neurons derived from human embryonic stem cells. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University : (2022).
  • Budjan C; Liu S; Ranga A; Gayen S; Pourquiè. Paraxial mesoderm organoids model development of human somites. eLife 11:e68925 (2022).
  • Li Z; Lui KN-C; Lau S-T; Lai FP-L; Li P; Chung P; Wong K; Tam P; Cracia-Barcelo M-M; Hui C-c; Sham P; Ngan E. Hedgehog-induced-oxidative-phosphorylation rescues neuronal differentiation defect of human enteric neural crest cells underlying Hirschsprung disease. Research Square (2022).
  • Hiller BM; Marmion DJ; Thompson CA; Elliott NA; Eferoff H; Brundin P; Vattis VB; McMahon CW; Kordower JH. Optimizing maturity and dose of iPSC-derived dopamine progenitor cell therapy for Parkinson’s disease. npj Regen Med 7:24 (2022).
  • Wen J; Song J; Bai Y; Liu T; Cai X; Mei L ;Ma L ; He C; Feng Y. A Model of Waardenburg Syndrome Using Patient-Derived iPSCs With a SOX10 Mutation Displays Compromised Maturation and Function of the Neural Crest That Involves Inner Ear Development. Front Cell Dev Biol 9:720858 (2022).
  • Lu V. The Role of Glutamine in Primed Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Fate. Ph.D. Theses, University of California, Los Angeles : (2022).
  • Adachi H; Morizane A; Torikoshi S; Raudzus F; Taniguchi Y; Miyamoto S; Sekiguchi K; Takahashi J. Pretreatment with Perlecan-Conjugated Laminin-E8 Fragment Enhances Maturation of Grafted Dopaminergic Progenitors in Parkinson’s Disease Model. Stem Cell Transl Med 11:767 (2022).
  • Khoury-Beaumont N; Prakasam R; Pondugula S; Lagas JS; Matkovich S; Gontarz P' Yang L; Yano H; Kim AH; Rubin JB; Kroll KL. The H3K27M mutation alters stem cell growth, epigenetic regulation, and differentiation potential. BMC Biology 20:124 (2022).
  • Habekost M; Qvist P; Denham M; Holm IE; Jørgensen AL. Directly Reprogrammed Neurons Express MAPT and APP Splice Variants Pertinent to Ageing and Neurodegeneration. Molecular Neurobiol 176:1 (2021).
  • Sakota, S; Shimokawa F; Funaba M; Murakami M. Isolation of the canine inhibinβB subunit gene and characterization of signalling mediated by canine inhibin βB. Cell Biochem Function 2021:1 (2021).
  • Parent AV; Faleo G; Chavez J; Saxton M; Berrios DI; Kerper NR; Tang Q; Hebrok M. Selective deletion of human leukocyte antigens protects stem cell-derived islets from immune rejection. Cell Rep 36:109538 (2021).
  • Nakajima T; Nakahata A; Yamada N; Yoshizawa K; Kato TM; Iwassaki M; Zhao C; Kuroki H; Ikeya M. Grafting of iPS cell-derived tenocytes promotes motor function recovery after Achilles tendon rupture. Nature Commun 37:5012 (2021).
  • Chapkin RS; Davidson LA; Park H; Jin U-H; Fan Y-Y; Cheng Y; Hensel ME; Landrock KK; Allred C; Menon R; Klemashevich C; Jayaraman A; Safe S. Role of the aryl hydrocarbon teceptor (AhR) in mediating the effects of coffee in the colon. Mol Nutrition Food Res 65:2100539 (2021).
  • Peteri U-K; Pitkonen J; de Toma I; Nieminen O; Utami KH; Strandin TM; Corcoran P; Roybon L Vaheri A; Ethell I; Casarotto P; Pouladi MA; Castrén ML. Urokinase plasminogen activator mediates changes in human astrocytes modeling fragile X syndrome. Glia 69:2947 (2021).
  • Khalili M; Zarebkohan A; Dianat-Moghadam H; Panahi M; Andre H; Alizadeh E. Corneal endothelial cell sheet bioengineering from neural crest cell-derived adipose stem cells on novel thermo-responsive elastin-mimetic dendrimers decorated with RGD. Chem Engr J 429:132523 (2022).
  • Singh T; Jiao Y; Ferrando LM; Yablonska S; Li F; Horoszko EC; Lacomis D; Friedlander RM; Carlisle DL. Neuronal mitochondrial dysfunction in sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is developmentally regulated. Sci Reports 11:18916 (2021).
  • Seo BA; Kim D; Hwang H; Kim MS; Ma S-H; Kweon SH; Wang J; Yoo JM; Choi S; Kwon SH; Kange S-U; Kam T-I; Kim K; Karuppagounder SS; Kang BG; Lee S; Park H; Kim S; Yan W; Li YS; Kuo SH; Redding-Ochoa J; Pletnikova O; Troncosco JC; Lee G' Mao X; Dawson VL; Dawson TM; Ko HS. TRIP12 ubiquitination of glucocerebrosidase contributes to neurodegeneration in Parkinson’s disease. Neuron 23:3753-74.e11 (2021).
  • Xi N; Wu J; Ortiz-Vitali JL; Li Y; Darabi R. Directed Differentiation of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells toward Skeletal Myogenic Progenitors and Their Purification Using Surface Markers. Cells 10:2746 (2021).
  • Fernandes HJR; Patikas M; Foskolou S; Field SF; Park J-E; Myrne ML; Bassett AR; Metzakopian E. Single-Cell Transcriptomics of Parkinson’s Disease Human In Vitro Models Reveals Dopamine Neuron-Specific Stress Responses. Cell Reports 33:108263 (2020).
  • Barbar L; Rusielewica T; Zimmer M; Kalpana K; Fossati V. Isolation of Human CD49f+ Astrocytes and In Vitro iPSC-Based Neurotoxicity Assays. STAR Protocols (2020).
  • Coyne AN; Zaepfel BL; Hayes L; Fitchman B; Salzberg Y; Luo E-C; Bowen K; Trost H; Aigner S; Rigo F; Yeo GW; Harel A; Csvendsen CN; Sareen D; Rothstein JD. G4C2 Repeat RNA Initiates a POM121-Mediated Reduction in Specific Nucleoporins in C9orf72 ALS/FTD. Neuron 107:1124-1140.e11 (2020).
  • Habekost M; Jørgensen AL; Qvist P; Denham M. MicroRNAs and Ascl1 facilitate direct conversion of porcine fibroblasts into induced neurons. Stem Cell Res 48:101984 (2020).
  • von Troyer M. Establishment of an alginate based 3D culture system for the generation of dopaminergic neurons. Masters Thesis, Univ Innsbruck : (2020).
  • Susco SG; Arias-Garçia MA; López-Huerta VG; Beccard A; Bara AM; Moffitt J; Korn J; Fu Z; Barrett LE. FMR1 loss in a human stem cell model reveals early changes to intrinsic membrane excitability. Develop Biol 468:93-100 (2020).
  • Hiller BM; Marmion DJ; Gross RM; Thomson CA; Chavez CA; Brundin P; Wakeman DR; McMahon CW; Kordower JH. Mitomycin-C treatment during differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cell-derived dopamine neurons reduces proliferation without compromising survival or function in vivo. Stem Cells Translational Medicine :DOI: 10.1002/sctm.20-0014 (2020).
  • Chen M; Miamaitili M; Habekost M; Gill KP; Mermet-Joret N; Nabavi S; Febbbraro F; Denham M. Rapid generation of regionally specified CNS neurons by sequential patterning and conversion of human induced pluripotent stem cells. Stem Cell Res : (2020).
  • Chavali VRM; Haider M: Rathi S; Vrathasha V; Alapati T; He J; Gill K; Nikonov R; Duong TT; McDouald DS; Nikonov S; O'Brien J; Mills JA. Dual SMAD inhibition and Wnt inhibition enable efficient and reproducible differentiations of induced pluripotent stem cells into retinal ganglion cells. Sci Rep 10:11828 (2020).
  • Mazzara PG; Muggeo S; Luoni M; Massimino L Zaghi M; Valverde PT-T; Brusco S: Marzi MJ; Palma C; Colasante G; Iannielli A; Paulis M; Cordiglieri C;: Giannelli SG; Podini P; Gellera C; Taroni F; Nicassio F; Rasponi M; Broccoli V. Frataxin gene editing rescues Friedreich’s ataxia pathology in dorsal root ganglia organoid-derived sensory neurons. Nature Commun 11:4178 (2020).
  • Sook SR; Badell-Grau RA; Kirkham ED; Jones KM; Kelly BP; WInston J; Waller-Evans H; Allen ND; Lloyd-Evans E. Detrimental effect of zwitterionic buffers on lysosomal homeostasis in cell lines and iPSC-derived neurons. AMRC Open Res 2:21 (2020).
  • Angelova PR; Choi ML; Berezhnov AV; Horrocks MH; Hughes CD; De S; Redrigues M; Yapom R; Little D; Dolt KS; Kunath T; Devine MJ; Gissen P; Shchepinov MS; Sylantyev S; Pavlov EV; Klenerman D; Abramov AY; Handhi S'. Alpha synuclein aggregation drives ferroptosis: an interplay of iron, calcium and lipid peroxidation. Cell Death Differ (2020).
  • Veenvliet JV; Bolondi A; Kretzmer H; Haut L; Scholze-Wittler M; Schifferl D; Koch F; Pustet M; Heimann S; Buschow R; Wittler L; Timmermann B; Meissner A; Herrmann BG. Mouse embryonic stem cells self-organize into trunklike structures with neural tube and somites. bioRxiv : (2020).
  • Ahfeldt T; Ordureau A; Bell C; Sarrafha L; Sun C; Piccinotti S; Crass T; Parfitt GM; Paulo JA; Yanagawa J; Uozumi T; Kiyota Y; Harper JW' Rubin LL. Pathogenic Pathways in Early-Onset Autosomal Recessive Parkinson's Disease Discovered Using Isogenic Human Dopaminergic Neurons. Stem Cell Rep in (2020).
  • Chu J; Fitzgerald ML; Sehgal M; Manley W; Fitzgerald S; Naung H; Goldberg EM; Anderson SA. Enhanced maturation of human stem cell derived interneurons by mTOR activation . bioRxiv (2019).
  • Iannielli A; Ugonlini GS; Cordiglieri C; Bido S; Rubio A; Colasante G; Valtorta M; Cabassi T; Rasponi M; Broccoli V. Reconstitution of the Human Nigro-striatal Pathway on-a-Chip Reveals OPA1-Dependent Mitochondrial Defects and Loss of Dopaminergic Synapses. Cell Rep 29:4646-4656.e4 (2019).
  • Mahajani S; Raina A; Fokken C; Kügler S; Bähr M. Homogenous generation of dopaminergic neurons from multiple hiPSC lines by transient expression of transcription factors. Cell Death Disease 10:898 (2019).
  • Matsumoto R; Suga H; Aoi T; Bando H; Fukuoka H; Iguchi G; Narumi S; Hasegawa T; Muguruma K; Ogawa W; Takahashi Y. Congenital pituitary hypoplasia model demonstrates hypothalamic OTX2 regulation of pituitary progenitor cells. J Clin Investigation in (2019).
  • Gantner CWB. Investigating Brain Repair and Development Using Stem Cells. Ph. D. Thesis, University of Melbourne : (2019).
  • Huang M; Tailor J; Zhen Q: Gillmor AH; Miller ML; Weishaupt H; Chen J; Zheng T; Nash EK; McHenry LK; An Z; Ye F; Takashima Y; Clarke J; Ayetey H; Cavalli FMG; Luu B; Moriarity BS; Ilkhanizadeh S; Chavez L; Yu C; Kurian KM; Magnaldo T: Sevenet N; Kock P; Pollard SM; Dirks P; Snyder MP; Largaespada DA; Cho YJ; Phillips JJ; Swartling FJ; Morrissy AS; Kool M; Pfister MD; Smith A; Weiss WA; . Engineering Genetic Predisposition in Human Neuroepithelial Stem Cells Recapitulates Medulloblastoma Tumorigenesis. Cell Stem Cell 25:422-446.E7 (2019).
  • Koutmani Y; Gampierakis IA; Polissidis A; Ximerakis M: Koutsoudaki PN; Polyzos A; Agrogiannis G; Karaliota S; Thomaidou D; Rubin LL; Politis PK; Karakis KP. CRH Promotes the Neurogenic Activity of Neural Stem Cells in the Adult Hippocampus. Stem Cell Rep 28:932-945.e7 (2019).
  • Leitner D; Ramamoorthy M; Dejosez M; Zwaka TP. Immature mDA Neurons Ameliorate Motor Deficits in a 6-OHDA Parkinson's Disease Mouse Model and are Functional after Cryopreservation. Stem Cell Res in (2019).
  • Nagaraja S; Quezada MA; Gillespie SM; Arzt M; Lennon JJ; Woo PJ; Hovestadt V; Kambhampati M; Filbin MG; Suva ML; Nazarian J; Monje M. Histone Variant and Cell Context Determine H3K27M Reprogramming of the Enhancer Landscape and Oncogenic State. Molecular Cell 76:1-16 (2019).
  • Ortiz-Vitali J. iPSC based gene correction and disease model of a new class of LGMD due to POGLUT1 mutation. Master's Thesis Univ of Texas: (2019).
  • Li J-J; Lin X; Tang C; Lu Y-Q; Hu X; Zuo E; Li H; Ying W; Sun Y; Lai L-L; Chen H-Z; Guo X0X; Zhang Q-J; Wu S; Zhou C; Shen X; Wang Q: Lin T-T; Ma L-X; Wang N; Krainer AR; Shi L Yang H; Chen W-J. Disruption of splicing-regulatory elements using CRISPR/Cas9 rescues spinal muscular atrophy in human iPSCs and mice. National Sci Rev in press:nwz131 (2019).
  • Lee K; Cho H; Rickert RW; Li QV; Pulecia J; Leslie CS; Huangfu D. FOXA2 Is Required for Enhancer Priming during Pancreatic Differentiation. Cell Reports 28:382-393 (2019).
  • Lindsay CD; Roth JG; LeSafage BL; Heilshorn SC. Bioprinting of stem cell expansion lattices. Acta Biomaterialia in (2019).
  • Govier-Cole AE; Wood RJ; Fletcher JL; Gonsalvez DF; Merlo D; Cate HS; Murray SS; Xiao J. Inhibiting bone morphogenetic protein 4 type I receptor signaling promotes remyelination by potentiating oligodendrocyte differentiation. eNeuro :ENEURO.0399-18.2019 (2019).
  • Freedman DA. The impact of environmental and genetic insults on adult and developing brain oligodendrogenesis. Doctoral Thesis, University of Buffalo : (2019).
  • Graß T. Modeling familial Alzheimer's disease utilizing gene targeted human induced pluripotent stem cells. Doctoral Thesis, Freie Univerität Berlin : (2018).
  • Harmanto Y; Maki T; Yakagi Y; Miyamoto S; Takahashi J. Xeno‐free culture for generation of forebrain oligodendrocyte precursor cells from human pluripotent stem cells. J Neuro Res 2019:1-18 (2019).
  • Qadir MMF; Álvarez-Cubela S; Belle K; Sapir T; Messaggio F; Johnson KB; Umland O; Hardin D; Klein D; Pérez-Álvarez I; Fraker CA; Pastori RL Domínguez-Bendalla J. A Double Fail-Safe Approach to Prevent Tumorigenesis and Select Pancreatic β Cells from Human Embryonic Stem Cells. Stem Cell Rep 3:611-623 (2019).
  • Wadhwani AR; Affaneh A; Van Gulden S; Kessler JA. Neuronal Apolipoprotein E4 increases cell death and p‐tau release in Alzheimer's disease. Ann Neurol doi: 10.1002/ana.25455.: (2019).
  • Fujisawa S; Komatsubara M; Ogura-Ochi K; Tsukamoto-Yamauchi N; Toma K; Inagaki K; Wada W; Otsuka F; . Orexin A modulates prolactin production by regulating BMP-4 activity in rat pituitary lactotorope cells. Peptides 113:35 (2019).
  • Ho WKW; Freem L; Zhao D; Painter KJ; Wolley TE; Gaffney EA; McGrew MJ; Tzika A; Milinkovitch MC; Schneider P; Drusko A; Matthäus F; Glover JD; Wells KL; Johansson JA; Davey MG; Sang HM; Clinton M; Headon DJ. Feather arrays are patterned by interacting signaling and cell density waves. PLOS Biol 17:e3000132 (2019).
  • Ooi J; Langley SR; Xu X; Utami KH; Sim B; Huang Y; Harmston NP; Tay YL; Ziaei A; Zeng R; Low D; Aminkeng F; Sobota RM; Ginhoux F; Petretto E; Pouladi MA. Unbiased Profiling of Isogenic Huntington Disease hPSC-Derived CNS and Peripheral Cells Reveals Strong Cell-Type Specificity of CAG Length Effects. Cell Reports 26:2494-508.e7 (2019).
  • Wang L; De Solis AJ; Goffer Y; Birkenback KE; Engle SE; Tanis R; Levenson JM; Lu X; Rausch R: Purohit M; Lee J-Y; Tan J; De Rosa MC; DOege CA; Aaron HL; Martins G; Brüning JC; Egli D; Costa R; Berbari N; Leibel RL; Stratigopoulos G. Ciliary gene RPGRIP1L is required for hypothalamic arcuate neuron development. JCI Insight 4:e123337 (2019).
  • Chuang C-Y; Yand C-C; Soong B-W; Yu C-C; Chen S-H; Huang H-P; Kuo H-C. Modeling spinocerebellar ataxias 2 and 3 with iPSCs reveals a role for glutamate in disease pathology. Sci Rep 9:1166 (2019).
  • van Rhijn, J-R. The role of FOXP2 in striatal circuitry. Ph.D. Thesis, Radboud University Nijmegen : (2019).
  • Rajaei B; Massumi M; Wheeler M. Glucose‐Responsiveness of Pancreatic β‐Like (GRP β‐L) Cells Generated from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells. Current Protoclos Human Genetics 100:e71 (2019).
  • Duong TT; Lim J; Vasireddy V; Papp T; Nguyen H; Leo L; Pan J; Zhou S; Chen HI; Bennet J; Mills JA. Comparative AAV-eGFP Transgene Expression Using Vector Serotypes 1–9, 7m8, and 8b in Human Pluripotent Stem Cells, RPEs, and Human and Rat Cortical Neurons. Stem Cells Int:Article ID: 7281912 (2019).
  • Ma S; Viola R: Sui L; Cherubini V; Barbetti F; Eigli D. β Cell Replacement after Gene Editing of a Neonatal Diabetes-Causing Mutation at the Insulin Locus. Stem Cell Reports (2018).
  • Wu J; Matthias N; Lo J; Ortiz-Vitali JL; Shieh AW; Wang SH; Darabi R. A Myogenic Double-Reporter Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Line Allows Prospective Isolation of Skeletal Muscle Progenitors. Cell Rep 25:1966-1981 (2018).
  • Sun X; Song J; Huang H; Chen H; Qian K. Modeling hallmark pathology using motor neurons derived from the family and sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patient-specific iPS cells. Stem Cell Res Therapy 9:315 (2018).
  • Javed AO; Li Y; Muffat J; Su K-C; Cohen MA; Lungjangwa T; Auborg P; Cheeseman IM; Jaenisch R. Microcephaly Modeling of Kinetochore Mutation Reveals a Brain-Specific Phenotype. Cell Rep 25:368-382.e5 (2018).
  • Chen Z;l Ren X; Xu X; Zhang Z; Hui Y; Liu Z; Shi L; Fang Y; Ma L; Liu T; Terheyden-Keighley D; Liu L; Zhang X. Genetic Engineering of Human Embryonic Stem Cells for Precise Cell Fate Tracing during Human Lineage Development. Stem Cell Rep in press: (2018).
  • Sakai-Takemura F; Narita A; Masuda S; Wakamatsu T; Watanabe N; Nishiyama T; Nogami K; Blanc M; Takeda S; Miyagoe-Suzuki Y. Premyogenic progenitors derived from human pluripotent stem cells expand in floating culture and differentiate into transplantable myogenic progenitors. Sci Reports 8:6555 (2018).
  • Tu J; Cap D; Li L; Cheung H-H; Chan W-Y. MicroRNA profiling during directed differentiation of cortical interneurons from human-induced pluripotent stem cells. FEBS Open Bio 8:502-512 (2018).
  • Schaefer SA; Higashi A; Loomis B; Schrepfer T; Wan G; Corfas G; Dressler GR; Duncan RK. From Otic Induction to Hair Cell Production: Pax2EGFP Cell Line Illuminates Key Stages of Development in Mouse Inner Ear Organoid Model. Stem Cells Development 27:237-251 (2018).
  • Yamashita T; Miyamoto T; Bando T; Ono T; Kobayashi S; Doi A;  Araki T; Kato Y; Shirakawa T; Suzuki Y; Yamauchi J; Yoshida S; Sato N. Differentiation of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells from dissociated monolayer and feeder-free cultured pluripotent stem cells. PLoS ONE 12:e171947 (2017).
  • Donegan JJ; Tyson JA; Branch SY; Beckstead MJ; Anderson SA; Lodge DJ. Stem cell-derived interneuron transplants as a treatment for schizophrenia: preclinical validation in a rodent model. Mol Psychiatry 22:1942-1501 (2017).
  • Xu X; Radulescu CI; Utami KH; and Pouladi MA. Obtaining Multi-electrode Array Recordings from Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell−Derived Neurons. Bio-protocol 7:e2609 (2017).
  • Sluch VM; Chamling X; Liu MM; Berlinicke CA; Cheng J; Mitchell KL; Welsbie DS; Zack DJ. Enhanced Stem Cell Differentiation and Immunopurification of Genome Engineered Human Retinal Ganglion Cells. Stem Cells Translat Med 6:1972 (2017).
  • Lin Y; Linask KL; Mallon B; Johnson K; Kleni M; Beers J; Xie W; Du Y; Liu C; Lai Y; Zou J; Haigney M; Yang H; Rao M; Chen G. Heparin Promotes Cardiac Differentiation of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells in Chemically Defined Albumin-Free Medium, Enabling Consistent Manufacture of Cardiomyocytes. Stem Cells Translat Med 6:527-538 (2017).
  • Badenes SM; Fernandes TG; Cordeiro CSM; Boucher S; Kuninger D; Vemuri MC; Diogo MM; Cabral JMS. Defined Essential 8 medium and vitronectin efficiently support xeno-free expansion of human induced pluripotent stem cells in stirred microcarrier culture systems. PLoS ONE 11:e0155296 (2016).
  • Carballo-Molina OA; Sánchez-Navarro A; López-Ornelas A; Lara-Rodarte R; Salazar P; Campos-Romo A; Ramos-Meija V; Velasco I. Semaphorin 3C Released from a Biocompatible Hydrogel Guides and Promotes Axonal Growth of Rodent and Human Dopaminergic Neurons. Tissue Eng Part A 22:850-861 (2016).
  • Xia N; Zhang P; Fang F; Wang Z; Rothstein M; Agulo B; Chiang R; Taylor J; Reijo Pera RA. Transcriptional comparison of human induced and primary midbrain dopaminergic neurons. Scientific Reports 6:20270. doi:10.1038/srep20270 (2016).
  • Koehler KR; Ine J; Longworth-Mills E; Liu X-P; Lee J; Holt JR; Hashino E. Generation of inner ear organoids with functional hair cells from pluripotent stem cells. Nat Biotechnol 35:583-589 (2017).
  • Zhu S; Russ HA; Wang X; Zhang M; Ma T; Xu T; Tang S; Hebrok M; Deng S. Human pancreatic β-like cells converted from fibroblasts. Nature Commun 7:10080 (2016).
  • Reynolds JC. Efficient in vitro development of photoreceptors from human pluripotent stem cells. MasterÕs Theses and Capstone Projects, Dominican University 169: (2015).
  • Doi D; Samata B; Katsukawa M; Kikuchi T; Morizane A; Ono Y; Sekiguchi K; Nakagawa M; Parmar M; Takahashi J. Isolation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Dopaminergic Progenitors by Cell Sorting for Successful Transplantation. Stem Cell Reports 2:337-350 (2014).
  • Pollen AA; Nowakowski TJ; Shuga J; Wang X; Leyrat AA; Lui JH; Li Z; Szpankowski L; Fowler B; Chen P; Ramalingam N; Sun G; Thu M; Norris M; Lebofsky R; Toppani D; Kemp DW; Wong M; Clerkson B; Jones BN; Wu S; Knutsson L; Alvaredo B; Wang J; Weaver LS; May AP; Jones RC; Unger MA; Kriegtein AR. Low-coverage single-cell mRNA sequencing reveals cellular heterogeneity and activated signaling pathways in developing cerebral cortex. Nature Biotechnology 32:1053 (2014).
  • Nakagawa M; Taniguchi Y; Senda S; Takizawa N; Ichisaka T; Asano K; Morizane A; Doi D; Takahasshi J; Nishizawa M; Yoshida Y; Toyoda T; Osafune K; Sekiguchi K; Yamanaka S. A novel efficient feeder-free culture system for the derivation of human induced pluripotent stem cells. Scientific Reports 4: 3594 (2014).
  • Prè D; Nestor MW; Sproul AA; Jacob S; Koppensteiner P; Chinchalongpom V; Zimmer M; Yamamoto A; Noggle SA; Arancio O. A time course analysis of the electrophysiological properties of neurons differentiated from human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). PLoS ONE 9(7): e103418 (2014).
  • Petros TJ; Maurer CW; Anderson SA; . Enhanced derivation of mouse embryonic stem cell-derived cortical interneurons by induced expression of Nkx2.1. Stem Cell Research 11:647-656 (2013).
  • Chiang P-M; Wong PC. Differentiation of an embryonic stem cell to hemogenic endothelium by defined factors: Essential role of bone morphogenetic protein 4. Development 138: 2833-2843 (2011).
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