Donkey Anti-Goat IgG(H+L), Mouse/Rat SP ads-AF555

Cat# 6420-32

Size : 1.0mg

Brand : Southern Biotech

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More Information
Isotype Donkey IgG
Isotype Control 0175-32
Specificity Reacts with the heavy and light chains of goat IgG
Source Pooled antisera from donkeys hyperimmunized with goat IgG
Cross Adsorption Mouse and rat serum proteins (SP); may react with immunoglobulins from other species and the light chains of other goat immunoglobulins
Purification Method Affinity chromatography on goat IgG covalently linked to agarose
Conjugate AF555 (Alexa Fluor® 555)
Buffer Formulation Phosphate buffered saline containing < 0.1% sodium azide
Clonality Polyclonal
Concentration 1.0 mg/mL
Volume 1.0 mL
Recommended Storage 2-8°C; Avoid exposure to light
Trademark Information Alexa Fluor® is a registered trademark of Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. or its subsidiaries
Applications Quality tested applications for relevant formats include -

Other referenced applications for relevant formats include -
Flow Cytometry 2,3
Immunohistochemistry-Frozen Sections 4
Immunohistochemistry-Paraffin Sections 11
Western Blot 5-9
Multiplex 10
RRID Number AB_2796340
Technical Bulletin Safety Datasheet

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  1. 1. Migliore MM, Ortiz R, Dye S, Campbell RB, Amiji MM, Waszczak BL. Neurotrophic and neuroprotective efficacy of intranasal GDNF in a rat model of Parkinson's disease. Neuroscience. 2014;274:11-23. (ELISA)
  2. 2. Rasche SS, Phillips M, McInerney MF, Sercarz EE, Quinn A. IL-13Rα1 expression on β-cell-specific T cells in NOD mice. Diabetes. 2011;60:1716-25. (FC)
  3. 3. Biedroń R, Konopiński MK, Marcinkiewicz J, Józefowski S. Oxidation by neutrophils-derived HOCl increases immunogenicity of proteins by converting them into ligands of several endocytic receptors involved in antigen uptake by dendritic cells and macrophages. PLoS One. 2015;10(4) :e0123293. (FC)
  4. 4. Xia RH, Yosef N, Ubogu EE. Selective expression and cellular localization of pro-inflammatory chemokine ligand/receptor pairs in the sciatic nerves of a severe murine experimental autoimmune neuritis model of Guillain-Barré syndrome. Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol. 2010;36:388-98. (IHC-FS)
  5. 5. Liu S, Bubar MJ, Lanfranco MF, Hillman GR, Cunningham KA. Serotonin2C receptor localization in GABA neurons of the rat medial prefrontal cortex: implications for understanding the neurobiology of addiction. Neuroscience. 2007;146:1677-88. (WB)
  6. 6. Kumar GR, Shum L, Glaunsinger BA. Importin α-mediated nuclear import of cytoplasmic poly(A) binding protein occurs as a direct consequence of cytoplasmic mRNA depletion. Mol Cell Biol. 2011;31:3113-25. (WB)
  7. 7. Gao H, Yallampalli U, Yallampalli C. Maternal protein restriction reduces expression of angiotensin I-converting enzyme 2 in rat placental labyrinth zone in late pregnancy. Biol Reprod. 2011;86:31. (WB)
  8. 8. Gao H, Yallampalli U, Yallampalli C. Protein restriction to pregnant rats increases the plasma levels of angiotensin II and expression of angiotensin II receptors in uterine arteries. Biol Reprod. 2012;86:68. (WB)
  9. 9. Bouchez I, Pouteaux M, Canonge M, Genet M, Chardot T, Guillot A, et al. Regulation of lipid droplet dynamics in Saccharomyces cerevisiae depends on the Rab7-like Ypt7p, HOPS complex and V1-ATPase. Biol Open. 2015;00:pii: bio.20148615. (WB)
  10. 10. Yang G, Holl TM, Liu Y, Li Y, Lu X, Nicely NI, et al. Identification of autoantigens recognized by the 2F5 and 4E10 broadly neutralizing HIV-1 antibodies. J Exp Med. 2013;210:241-56. (Multiplex)
  11. 11. SouthernBiotech published data (IHC-PS)

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