FIX&PERM® Cell Fixation and Permeabilization Kit

Cat# GAS-002

Size : 8x5ml

Brand : Nordic Mubio

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SKU: GAS-002 Categories : Buffers and reagents, Cell permeabilization, Buffers and Reagents
Figure 1: Flow cytrometric analysis of normal bone marrow (BM) after fixation and pemeabilization using GAS-002, followed by immunostaining for lactoferrin and MPO-C2.

Figure 1: Flow cytrometric analysis of normal bone marrow (BM) after fixation and pemeabilization using GAS-002, followed by immunostaining for lactoferrin and MPO-C2.

Figure 2: Flow cytrometric analysis of bone marrow (BM) from a leukemia patient after fixation and pemeabilization using GAS-002, followed by immunostaining for lactoferrin and MPO-C2.

Figure 2: Flow cytrometric analysis of bone marrow (BM) from a leukemia patient after fixation and pemeabilization using GAS-002, followed by immunostaining for lactoferrin and MPO-C2.

Figure 3: Immunostaining with Nordic-MUbio CD22-PE conjugate of undifferentiated leukemia cells of B-ALL type.

Figure 3: Immunostaining with Nordic-MUbio CD22-PE conjugate of undifferentiated leukemia cells of B-ALL type.

Figure 4: Immunostaining with Nordic-MUbio CD3-PE conjugate of surface CD3-negative undifferentiated leukemia cells of T-ALL type.

Figure 4: Immunostaining with Nordic-MUbio CD3-PE conjugate of surface CD3-negative undifferentiated leukemia cells of T-ALL type.

Figure 5: Immunostaining with Nordic-MUbio anti MPO-FITC conjugate of undifferentiated leukemia cells of AML type.

Figure 5: Immunostaining with Nordic-MUbio anti MPO-FITC conjugate of undifferentiated leukemia cells of AML type.

Figure 6: Forward and side scatter pattern of a normal blood sample treated with GAS-002.

Figure 6: Forward and side scatter pattern of a normal blood sample treated with GAS-002.

Figure 7: Double labeling of a normal blood sample treated with GAS-002, and immunostained for Lactoferrin (PE) and MPO-C2 (FITC).

Figure 7: Double labeling of a normal blood sample treated with GAS-002, and immunostained for Lactoferrin (PE) and MPO-C2 (FITC).

Figure 8; Double labeling of a normal blood sample treated with GAS-002, and immunostained for CD3 (PE) and MPO-C2 (FITC).

Figure 8; Double labeling of a normal blood sample treated with GAS-002, and immunostained for CD3 (PE) and MPO-C2 (FITC).

Figure 9: Double labeling of a normal blood sample treated with GAS-002, and immunostained for Lactoferrin (PE) and Lysozyme (FITC).

Figure 9: Double labeling of a normal blood sample treated with GAS-002, and immunostained for Lactoferrin (PE) and Lysozyme (FITC).

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