ABC detection kits - Human - Horseradish Peroxidase (HRP)

ABC detection kits - Human - Horseradish Peroxidase (HRP)

The principle of ABC detection kits for IHC is based on the affinity of avidin (or streptavidin) for biotin. Indeed, abbreviation ABC stands for Avidin / Biotin Complex.
The Anti-Human IgG ABC detection kits are designed to detect primary human antibodies by immunohistochemistry:
  • Biotinylated secondary antibodies to human IgG
  • Avidin / HRP complex (Horseradish Peroxidase)
The kits may or may not contain the blocking and dilution buffers and the substrate depending on the formats. In general, bulk kits (larger volumes) do not include the substrate.
The most commonly used HRP substrates are DAB and AEC. These 2 substrates form brown (DAB) and red (AEC) insoluble precipitates when they are oxidized by HRP. It is for this reason that they are commonly called chromogens. The localization of the target proteins is then carried out by microscopic visualization of the precipitates within the tissue.

Search result : 93 product found

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  • AP 3
  • HRP 3
  • HRP/AP 3
  • kit 93
  • mouse 57
  • rabbit 51
  • goat 30
  • rat 27
  • human 6
  • IHC 93

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