Anti-CD2 CE/IVD for IHC - Hematopathology

Anti-CD2 CE/IVD for IHC - Hematopathology

Cluster of differentiation 2 (CD2) is a useful early T-cell lineage restricted antigen that is present in T-cell differentiation. T-cell surface antigen CD2 (CD2) is a T-cell specific surface glycoprotein that is critically important for mediating adherence of T cells to antigen-presenting cells or target cells. It interacts with lymphocyte function-associated antigen (LFA-3) and CD48/BCM1 to mediate adhesion between T cells and other cell types. CD2 is involved in triggering T cells, and the cytoplasmic domain is involved in signaling. CD2 is a pan T-cell marker. CD2 antibody labels T-cell, thymocytes and natural killer (NK) cells. As a pan-T-cell marker, CD2 staining is used for recognizing practically all normal T-cells, but may be deleted in some T-cell neoplasms. Since CD2 is present in most precursor and mature T-cell leukemias and lymphomas, it is useful in the evaluation of lymphoid malignancies. By using CD2 and CD25 staining, the recognition of systemic mastocytosis and mastocytic leukemia is supported.


Search result : 14 product found

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  • Unconjugated 12
  • FITC 1
  • PE 1
  • human 14
  • monkey 6
  • mouse 14
  • Primary antibody
  • IHC 12
  • FC 2
  • L26 6
  • IHC531 3
  • MHM6 3
  • TP1/31 2