Improve Immunoassay Sensitivity with the Signal Booster Series
The Signal Booster series is a set of advanced reagents designed to increase signal intensity in immunoassays while minimizing background noise. Capable of delivering signals up to 10 times stronger, this set is compatible with various detection systems and offers an extended shelf life.
"Signal Booster series" are signal enhancement reagent for immunoassays. The main composition of Signal Booster series are polymer and blocking ingredients. Polymer alters the surface physico-chemical properties of antigens and antibodies. This makes antigen and antibody enhance the contact frequency and binding specificity. Combination of polymer and blocking ingredients helps you to get higher signal with lower background.
Key Features
Possible to obtain 2-10 times higher signals comparing to conventional methods using surfactant-containing buffers.
Widely used in various immunoassay systems involving antigen-antibody reaction such as western blotting and ELISA.
HRP or ALP will not be affected by Signal Booster. Luminescence or fluorescence detection system is also compatible.
Useful for saving antibody and shortening reaction time.
Can be stored in a refrigerator for more than 1 year.
Example of Use

Detection of phosphoprotein (phospho-EGFR).
SB: Signal Booster; SBN: Signal Booster Neo; Sample: A431 cell lysate; Blocking: c-Block; 1st Ab: anti-pEGFR, rabbit; 2nd Ab: anti-rabbit, goat polyclonal, HRP.

Detection of luciferase
NT: TBS-T; SB: Signal Booster, A: company A; Sample: luciferase expressing HepG2 cell lysate; 1st Ab: anti-luciferase IgG, goat polyclonal, 1/1000 diluted by solution A; 2nd Ab: anti-goat IgG, donkey HRP-labeled, 1/20000 diluted by solution B.
When Signal Booster was used, the signal intensity was stronger than that of TBS-T. In addition, the signal intensity was equal to or higher than that of company A.
The Signal Booster series is an advanced reagent designed to enhance signal strength in immunoassays while reducing background noise. By combining polymers and blocking ingredients, it optimizes antigen-antibody interactions for higher signal sensitivity and specificity. With its ability to provide 2-10 times stronger signals, compatibility with various detection systems, and long shelf life, it offers significant advantages in research efficiency. These products are an excellent solution for laboratories looking to improve the quality and reliability of their immunoassays.