• Product Protocol


  • Catalog Number K003-H
  • Assay Type Competitive ELISA
  • Sample Types Serum, Plasma, Saliva, Urine, Tissue Culture, Respiratory Vapor, Hair, Fecal Extracts
  • Sensitivity 27.6 pg/mL
  • Species Cortisol is identical across species
  • Assay Duration 1.5 Hours
  • Samples/Plate 39 in Duplicate
  • Readout Colorimetric, 450 nm


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Assay Principle

The DetectX hours. For optimal results, adhere to the detailed instructions provided in the kit insert. The kit includes a cortisol standard to establish a precise standard curve.

Protocol Summary

  • Introduce standards or diluted samples into the transparent microtiter plate coated with goat anti-mouse IgG antibody.
  • Add cortisol peroxidase conjugate and cortisol monoclonal mouse antibody to initiate the immunological reaction.
  • Incubate for 1 hour with shaking at room temperature. The signal varies inversely with cortisol concentration in the sample.
  • After incubation, wash away excess cortisol-peroxidase and add the TMB substrate. This reacts with the bound cortisol-peroxidase conjugate.
  • Measure the generated signal at 450nm using a plate reader to calculate cortisol concentrations based on the standard curve.
Performance Note

The DetectX minutes using a standard plate reader. It is compatible with a broad range of sample types and requires as little as 1μL of Serum or Plasma for the assay.


Cortisol, primarily produced by the adrenal cortex, is a key glucocorticoid in the human body. It follows an ACTH-dependent circadian rhythm, peaking in the morning and decreasing throughout the day. While most circulating cortisol binds to proteins like corticosteroid-binding globulin and serum albumin, only free cortisol is bioactive.

Known as the ;s response to stress. It has significant roles in anti-inflammatory responses, immunosuppression, and disease resistance. Cortisol stimulates gluconeogenesis, liver glycogen deposition, and reduces glucose utilization. Abnormal levels of cortisol are linked to various health conditions, including Prostate Cancer, Depression, Schizophrenia, Cushing id="related-products-heading">Related News

Cortisol ELISA Kits

1 Plate K003-H1
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5 Plates K003-H5
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Research Areas

  • Metabolism
  • Stress
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