EZ Cap-moUTP) will express enhanced green fluorescent protein(EGFP) nm. EGFP is usually used as a reporter for gene regulation and function study. It is applicable in assays for mRNA delivery, translation efficiency, cell viability and in vivo imaging etc.
EZ Cap-moUTP) is provided at a concentration of ~1 mg/ml with Cap1 structure. There are currently two ways to cap mRNA: One is co-transcription method, by adding Cap analogues into the transcription process. The other is enzymatic Capping. After transcription, Cap0 capping is performed by Vaccinia virus Capping Enzyme (VCE), GTP and S-adenosylmethionine (SAM). The Cap0 is then generated into the Cap1 through 2 Capping can also be performed by adding VCE, 2 structure is more ideal for mammalian systems and possess higher transcription efficiency than Cap 0 structure. The addition of 5-moUTP and poly(A) tail suppress RNA-mediated innate immune activation and increase the stability and lifetime of the mRNA in vitro and in vivo. Poly(A) tail also plays an important role in enhancing the efficiency of translation initiation.
-40">Please dissolve it on ice and protect from RNase carefully. Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles as possible. Don">Evaluation sample solution: ship with dry ice.