Goat Anti-Human IgD-HRP
Cat# 2030-05
Size : 1.0mL
Brand : Southern Biotech
Isotype | Goat IgG |
Isotype Control | 0109-05 |
Specificity | Reacts with the heavy chain of human IgD |
Source | Pooled antisera from goats hyperimmunized with human IgD |
Cross Adsorption | Human IgG, IgM, and IgA; may react with IgD from other species |
Purification Method | Affinity chromatography on human IgD covalently linked to agarose |
Conjugate | HRP (Horseradish Peroxidase) |
Buffer Formulation | 50% Glycerol/50% Phosphate buffered saline, pH 7.4 |
Clonality | Polyclonal |
Concentration | Lot specific |
Volume | 1.0 mL |
Recommended Storage | 2-8°C |
Applications | Quality tested applications for relevant formats include - ELISA FLISA Flow Cytometry 5-17 Other referenced applications for relevant formats include - Immunohistochemistry-Frozen Sections 1-4 Immunohistochemistry-Paraffin Sections 19 Separation 18 |
RRID Number | AB_2795627 |
Gene ID | 3495 (Human) |
Gene ID Symbol | IGHD (Human) |
UniProt ID | P01880 (Human |
UniProt Name | IGHD_HUMAN (Human) |
Technical Bulletin Safety Datasheet
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- 1. Pospisil R, Silverman GJ, Marti GE, Aruffo A, Bowen MA, Mage RG. CD5 is a potential selecting ligand for B-cell surface immunoglobulin: a possible role in maintenance and selective expansion of normal and malignant B cells. Leuk Lymphoma. 2000;36:353-65. (IHC-FS)
- 2. Hirbod T, Kaldensjö T, Broliden K. In situ distribution of HIV-binding CCR5 and C-type lectin receptors in the human endocervical mucosa. PLoS One. 2011;6(9):e25551. (IHC-FS)
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- 7. Klein U, Rajewsky K, Küppers R. Human immunoglobulin (Ig)M+IgD+ peripheral blood B cells expressing the CD27 cell surface antigen carry somatically mutated variable region genes: CD27 as a general marker for somatically mutated (memory) B cells. J Exp Med. 1998;188:1679-89. (FC)
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- 13. Sira MM, Yoshida T, Takeuchi M, Kashiwayama Y, Futatani T, Kanegane H, et al. A novel immunoregulatory protein in human colostrum, syntenin-1, for promoting the development of IgA-producing cells from cord blood B cells. Int Immunol. 2009;21:1013-23. (FC)
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- 15. Pallikkuth S, Micci L, Ende ZS, Iriele RI, Cervasi B, Lawson B, et al. Maintenance of intestinal Th17 cells and reduced microbial translocation in SIV-infected rhesus macaques treated with interleukin (IL)-21. PLoS One. 2013;9(7):e1003471. (FC)
- 16. Yammani RD, Haas KM. Primate B-1 cells generate antigen-specific B cell responses to T cell-independent type 2 antigens. J Immunol. 2013;190:3100-8. (FC)
- 17. Neumann B, Klippert A, Raue K, Sopper S, Stahl-Hennig C. Characterization of B and plasma cells in blood, bone marrow, and secondary lymphoid organs of rhesus macaques by multicolor flow cytometry. J Leukoc Biol. 2015;97:19-30. (FC)
- 18. Joseph AM, Babcock GJ, Thorley-Lawson DA. Cells expressing the Epstein-Barr virus growth program are present in and restricted to the naive B-cell subset of healthy tonsils. J Virol. 2000;74:9964-71. (Sep)
- 19. SouthernBiotech unpublished data