Malate (C4H6O5) is a dicarboxylic acid that is produced by all living organisms. L(-) Malate is an intermediate in the TCA cycle and plays a critical role in the Calvin cycle during carbon fixation in plants. In lower organisms, malate is converted to lactate through malolactic fermentation with the formation of CO2. Malate is often used as an additive in the pharmaceutical and food industries. Quantification of malate plays important roles in manufacturing wine, beer, cheese, fruits, and others.
The Malate Colorimetric Assay Kit provides a sensitive, fast and convenient way for accurate detection of L(-) Malate levels in various samples based on colorimetric method. In the assay, malate is specifically oxidized to yield a product which reacts with a substrate probe to produce color (λmax = 450 nm). The assay can detect 1-35 nmol of malate in 50 µL sample with sensitivity of approx. 20 µM.
Features & Properties
Fast and convenient; Simple procedure; Takes approx.1 hour; This kit contains all necessary reagents for an accurate measurement of malate.