SERVAGel™ IEF Starter Kit

Cat# 43205.01

Size : 1KIT

Brand : SERVA Electrophoresis

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4 SERVAGel™ IEF precast gels of your choice (cat. no. 43240 or 43242)
SERVA IEF Anode Buffer (1x, powder for 2.5 L buffer, cat. no. 42539)
SERVA IEF Cathode Buffer 3-10 (10x, powder for 100 ml buffer, cat. no. 42539)
IEF Sample Buffer (2x 1 ml, cat. no. 42537)
SERVA Violet 17 (0.5 g, cat. no. 35072)
SERVA IEF Marker 3-10, Liquid Mix (30 µl, cat. no. 39212)

HS: 38229000
Storage Temperature: +2 °C to +8 °C

Certificates of Analysis (Lot.-no. - release date)

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