Search result : 2818 product found
Refine your search :
- Unconjugated 1780
- Biotin 172
- HRP 164
- FITC 111
- AP 97
- TRITC 89
- DyLight 488 51
- DyLight 550 47
- DyLight 650 43
- DyLight 594 32
- DyLight 633 29
- DyLight 800 28
- DyLight® 488 22
- DyLight® 594 22
- DyLight® 650 22
- DyLight 350 16
- ALP 11
- DyLight 405 10
- R-PE 9
- DyLight 680 3
- Europium 3
- Europium 1024 2
- Streptavidin 2
- APC 1
- Agarose 1
- human 352
- arabidopsis thaliana 307
- mouse 258
- rabbit 156
- rat 131
- goat 90
- chlamydomonas reinhardtii 72
- plant 62
- hordeum vulgare 57
- all species 56
- zea mays 56
- nicotiana tabacum 49
- oryza sativa 45
- sheep 42
- dog 41
- cow 40
- solanum lycopersicum 34
- spinacia oleracea 34
- chicken 30
- pisum sativum 30
- e. coli 28
- solanum tuberosum 28
- guinea pig 26
- triticum aestivum 26
- pig 24
- llama 18
- physcomitrella patens 17
- brassica oleracea 16
- hamster 15
- cat 14
- nicotiana benthamiana 13
- virus 13
- vitis vinifera 13
- glycine max 12
- drosophila 11
- fish 11
- synechocystis sp. pcc 6803 11
- bacteria 10
- brassica napus 10
- horse 10
- monkey 10
- thalassiosira pseudonana 9
- thermosynechococcus elongatus 9
- colobanthus quitensis kunt bartl 8
- capsicum annuum 7
- cicer arietinum 7
- cucumis sativus 7
- euglena gracilis 7
- liquidambar formosana 7
- synechococcus pcc 7942 7
- apium graveolens 6
- cyanophora paradoxa 6
- gonyaulax polyedra 6
- heterosigma akashiwo 6
- horderum vulgare 6
- phaseolus vulgaris 6
- pinus strobus 6
- artemisia annua 5
- baculogypsina sphaerulata (benthic foraminifer) 5
- bienertia sinuspersici 5
- chlamydomonas raudensis 5
- cylindrospermopsis raciborskii cs-505 5
- dinoflagellate endosymbionts (genus symbiodinium) 5
- dykddddk tagged proteins. 5
- emiliana huxleyi 5
- extreme acidophilic verrucomicrobial methanotroph methylacidiphilum fumariolicum strain solv 5
- fraxinus mandshurica 5
- fucus vesiculosus 5
- guzmania hybrid 5
- karenia brevis (c.c.davis) s) g.hansen & ø.moestrup (wilson isolate) 5
- lichens 5
- lupinus luteus 5
- malus domestica 5
- micromonas pusila 5
- picea abies 5
- porphyra sp. 5
- prochlorococcus sp. (surface and deep water ecotype) 5
- schima superba 5
- synechococcus sp. strain pcc 7942 5
- synechocystis sp. pcc6803 5
- thalassiosira punctigera 5
- thellungiella salsuginea 5
- armeria maritima 4
- brassica juncea 4
- brassica sp. 4
- carica papaya 4
- donkey 4
- lactuca sativa 4
- lycopersicum esculentum 4
- medicago sativa 4
- medicago truncatula 4
- nicotiana tabaccum 4
- phaeodactylum tricornutum 4
- porphyridium cruentum 4
- ricinus communis 4
- salicornia sp. 4
- stanleya pinnata 4
- symbiodinium sp. 4
- thermotoga neapolitana 4
- ananas comosus 3
- rabbit 1474
- goat 579
- mouse 217
- chicken 164
- donkey 156
- rat 45
- sheep 14
- guinea pig 10
- llama 10
- hamster 7
- cat 6
- human 6
- cow 5
- pig 5
- dog 4
- horse 4
- plant 4
- duck 1
- Primary antibody 1807
- Secondary antibody 829
- Control isotype 51
- Buffers and reagents 38
- Protein/peptide 32
- Biological fluids 27
- kit 7
- Discontinued 5
- Blocking peptide 2
- Biochemicals 1
- Other products 1
- WB 1553
- ELISA 666
- IF 354
- IHC 298
- Immunolocalization 219
- FC 152
- IP 136
- Immunoassay 116
- Dot blot 112
- ICC 102
- ChIP 55
- Total 17
- purified IgY 17
- Chromatography 15
- Cell assays 12
- CBA 8
- Assay 7
- High Throughput Screening (HTS) 6
- High throughput screening (HTS) 5
- Microscopy 5
- array 5
- Affinity purified IgY 4
- Native-PAGE 3
- Detection 2
- Immunodiffusion 2
- Immunogold (IG) 2
- Inhibition assay 2
- Neutralization 2
- Blocking 1
- ID 1
- ISH 1
- Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) 1
- colloidlal gold immunochromatography 1
- interdigitated array (ida) 1
- Polyclonal 2437
- Monoclonal 50
- 1 11
- 10 10
- 9E10 10
- AD1 10
- 16B12 7
- M2 6
- 3E2 5
- 42 5
- NI 239 3
- 15A3 2
- 2 2
- 2E7 2
- 5MC-CD 2
- 7F8 2
- C3 2
- G1-5D5 2
- G5 2
- NI 308 2
- Polyclobnal 2
- RF5R 2
- TU-01 2
- 10A9 1
- 11A1 1
- 11C9 1
- 12A2 1
- 12CA5 1
- 12F5 1
- 13 1
- 13F10 1
- 14H4G8 1
- 15C11 1
- 15D9 1
- 16D3 1
- 19D12 1
- 1A5 1
- 1A6 1
- 1E3 1
- 1E6 1
- 21 1
- 21H8 1
- 24 1
- 29 1
- 2A4) 1
- 2C5 1
- 2D10 1
- 2G2 1
- 2G4:F2 1
- 33D3 1
- 3A6 1
- 3E5 1
- 3b12 1
- 4 1
- 5B3 1
- 5G1-95 1
- 6A4 1
- 6D12 1
- 6F10 1
- 6F9.F6 1
- 7A3 1
- 7F10 1
- A3 1
- A4 1
- AM 1 4 1
- BG-02 1
- C2 1
- C5 1
- CCRC-M1 1
- CCRC-M100 1
- CCRC-M101 1
- CCRC-M108 1
- CCRC-M109 1
- CCRC-M114 1
- CCRC-M133 1
- CCRC-M138 1
- CCRC-M144 1
- CCRC-M149 1
- CCRC-M154 1
- CCRC-M166 1
- CCRC-M168 1
- CCRC-M169 1
- CCRC-M170 1
- CCRC-M174 1
- CCRC-M2 1
- CCRC-M23 1
- CCRC-M35 1
- CCRC-M38 1
- CCRC-M48 1
- CCRC-M58 1
- CCRC-M61 1
- CCRC-M7 1
- CCRC-M70 1
- CCRC-M78 1
- CCRC-M85 1
- CCRC-M88 1
- CCRC-M96 1
- D4 1
- E10 1
- EM-30 1
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