Search result : 6075 product found
Refine your search :
- Unconjugated 3701
- Biotin 4
- human 2711
- virus 252
- mouse 214
- primary 36
- rat 31
- monkey 15
- all species 14
- bacteria 11
- rabbit 6
- dog 5
- e. coli 5
- pig 3
- chicken 2
- cow 1
- drosophila 1
- guinea pig 1
- hamster 1
- insect 1
- xenopus 1
- yeast 1
- human 1200
- insect 863
- e. coli 751
- mouse 92
- rabbit 88
- hamster 44
- virus 29
- monkey 6
- rat 2
- bacteria 1
- dog 1
- mammals 1
- Protein/peptide 3008
- kit 931
- Inhibitor/Antagonist/Agonist 491
- Cell line 397
- Destination vector 357
- Primary antibody 345
- Buffers and reagents 255
- cell culture media 181
- CRISPR/Cas9 38
- Primary cells 36
- Biochemicals 35
- Secondary antibody 1
- FA 511
- Cell culture 214
- WB 194
- ELISA 123
- Assay 106
- IF 94
- FC 79
- ChIP 68
- in-vitro 56
- Inhibition assay 53
- Neutralization 44
- Detection 36
- Cellular activation 29
- IP 15
- Blocking 13
- ICC 11
- and selectivity profiling. 8
- screening inhibitors 8
- Study enzyme kinetics 6
- Cell separation 4
- Microscopy 4
- Useful as a negative control for the study of bromodomain binding assays 4
- Purification 3
- and screen small molecule HDAC inhibitors for drug discovery and HTS applications. 3
- the study of bromodomain binding assays 3
- transduction optimization. 3
- Dot blot 2
- Ideal as a positive control for transduction 2
- Immunoassay 2
- Substrate for histone methyltransferase or acetyltransferase assays. Ideal for screening small molecular inhibitors of histone methyltransferases and acetyltransferases for drug discovery and HTS applications. 2
- Substrate for histone methyltransferase or acetyltransferase assays. Ideal for screening small molecular inhibitors of histone methyltransferases and acetyltransferases for drug discovery and HTS applications. Since the recombinant histone proteins in thi 2
- and for screening of small molecule inhibitors for drug discovery and HTS applications. 2
- and screen small molecule inhibitors of HDAC class2a for drug discovery and HTS applications. 2
- assaying phosphodiesterase activity 2
- the study of cathepsin activity 2
- 1. Ideal as a positive control for transduction 1
1. Transient expression of FcGRIIB in target cells.
2. Generation of stable cell line expressing FcGRIIB with Geneticin selection. 1 -
1. Transient expression of FcGRIIIA in target cells.
2. Generation of stable cell line expressing FcGRIIIA with Geneticin selection. 1 - 2. Generation of stable cell line expressing firefly luciferase with puromycin selection. 1
- Colorimetric assay 1
- DPP7 1
- DPP8 1
- DPP9 1
- EMSA 1
- F 1
- FAP 1
- ISH 1
- L 1
- S 1
- Screen for activators or inhibitors of NF-κB signaling pathway in the transduced target cells. 1
- Screen for activators or inhibitors of cAMP/PKA signaling pathway in the transduced target cells. 1
- Stimulation 1
- Useful as a substrate for PI-3 kinase activity assays and other lipid kinases. 1
- Useful as a substrate for methyltransferases or acetyltransferases and for screening small molecular inhibitors of histone methyltransferases for drug discovery. 1
- Useful as a substrate for protein tyrosine kinase inhibitor screening including Jak1 Ron kinase 1
- Useful for studying protein binding and screening small molecules for drug discovery. 1
- Useful for the study of enzyme kinetics 1
- Useful to determine the background reporter activity and establish the specificity of any treatment effects for the Lenti reporter system. 1
- and L for drug discovery and HTS applications. 1
- and POP for drug discovery and HTS applications. Also suitable for use with Xaa-Pro dipeptidase. 1
- and Tyrosine Kinase 2. 1
- and V for drug discovery and HTS applications. 1
- and for screening small molecule inhibitors of DPP3 for drug discovery and HTS applications. Can also be used as a substrate for cathepsin B. 1
- and for screening small molecule inhibitors of DPP4 1
- and for screening small molecule inhibitors of cathepsins B 1
- and for screening small molecule inhibitors of cathepsins K 1
- and screen small molecular inhibitors of LSD1 for HTS applications in drug discovery. 1
- the study of DPP activity 1
- the study of DPP3 activity 1
• Optimizing transduction assays
• Easily track transduction efficiency over time
• Generation of YFP (Topaz) Reporter stable cell lines 1 -
• Screen for activators or inhibitors of NFAT signaling pathway in transduced target cells
• Generation of NFAT eGFP Reporter stable cell line 1
- monoclonal 234
- polyclonal 87
- Monoclonal 65
- Polyclonal 4
- Polyclona 3
- 33D3 1
- BA3R 1
- BT7R 1
- C-A11 1
- E10/V4RR 1
- E19 1
- E31R 1
- E32 1
- FG4R 1
- G10xA1 1
- G10xA5 1
- GA1R 1
- GF28R 1
- GST.B6 1
- HA.C5/C10 1
- HIS.H8/ EH158 1
- LxC1-G10) 1
- Myc.A7/M19 1
- RF5R 1
- clone hC-A11 1
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