EXOSC4 Human siRNA Oligo Duplex (Locus ID 54512)

Referencia SR310122

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EXOSC4 Human siRNA Oligo Duplex (Locus ID 54512)

EXOSC4 (Human) - 3 unique 27mer siRNA duplexes - 2 nmol each
Stability One year from date of shipment when stored at -20°C. # of transfections Approximately 330 transfections/2nmol in 24-well plate under optimized conditions (final conc. 10 nM). Note Single siRNA duplex (10nmol) can be ordered. Reference Data RefSeq NM_019037 UniProt ID Q9NPD3 Synonyms hRrp41p; p12A; RRP41; RRP41A; Rrp41p; SKI6; Ski6p Summary Non-catalytic component of the RNA exosome complex which has 3'->5' exoribonuclease activity and participates in a multitude of cellular RNA processing and degradation events. In the nucleus, the RNA exosome complex is involved in proper maturation of stable RNA species such as rRNA, snRNA and snoRNA, in the elimination of RNA processing by-products and non-coding 'pervasive' transcripts, such as antisense RNA species and promoter-upstream transcripts (PROMPTs), and of mRNAs with processing defects, thereby limiting or excluding their export to the cytoplasm. The RNA exosome may be involved in Ig class switch recombination (CSR) and/or Ig variable region somatic hypermutation (SHM) by targeting AICDA deamination activity to transcribed dsDNA substrates. In the cytoplasm, the RNA exosome complex is involved in general mRNA turnover and specifically degrades inherently unstable mRNAs containing AU-rich elements (AREs) within their 3' untranslated regions, and in RNA surveillance pathways, preventing translation of aberrant mRNAs. It seems to be involved in degradation of histone mRNA. The catalytic inactive RNA exosome core complex of 9 subunits (Exo-9) is proposed to play a pivotal role in the binding and presentation of RNA for ribonucleolysis, and to serve as a scaffold for the association with catalytic subunits and accessory proteins or complexes. EXOSC4 binds to ARE-containing RNAs.[UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot Function] Performance Guaranteed OriGene guarantees that at least two of the three Dicer-Substrate duplexes in the kit will provide at least 70% or more knockdown of the target mRNA when used at 10 nM concentration by quantitative RT-PCR when the TYE-563 fluorescent transfection control duplex (cat# SR30002) indicates that >90% of the cells have been transfected and the HPRT positive control (cat# SR30003) provides 90% knockdown efficiency.

For non-conforming siRNA, requests for replacement product must be made within ninety (90) days from the date of delivery of the siRNA kit. To arrange for a free replacement with newly designed duplexes, please contact Technical Services at tech@quimigen.pt. Please provide your data indicating the transfection efficiency and measurement of gene expression knockdown compared to the scrambled siRNA control (quantitative RT-PCR data required).

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