Viral vector Construction


By default, we ship vectors in the format of E. coli stock. Upon request, small amount of plasmid DNA can be provided if available. Two scales of high-quality plasmid DNA can be purchased when adding vector construction service into shopping cart: Miniprep (> 10 ug) and Maxiprep (> 300 ug, endotoxinfree, sterile).

Quality control

All of constructed vectors have 100% sequence guarantee. Our vectors undergo stringent quality control to ensure that they contain the correct sequence exactly as designed. Common QC includes DNA quantification, A260/280 measurement, restriction enzyme digestion, Sanger sequencing, recovering bacteria from glycerol stock, and re-transformation.

Turnaround time

We offer top-quality vector construction services at unbeatable price with rapid turnaround time. Outsourcing cloning to us is often cheaper than the cost of reagents you will need to do it yourself, let alone savings on your time, effort and headaches. Price and turnaround time are based on the criteria below.