Taq DNA polymerase is a thermostable enzyme with the activity of 5'→3' DNA polymerase and weak 5'→3' exonuclease but has no activity of 3'→5' exonuclease. Using the Taq DNA polymerase, DNA sequence exponential amplification can be performed in a system containing primers, dNTPs, template DNA and appropriate buffer, the product will have a dA overhang at 3’ end which can be utilized in TA cloning.
This product is a fast PCR mix product containing mutant Taq DNA Polymerase, dNTP, bromophenol blue, and an optimized buffer system, the mutant Taq enzyme is more resistant to EDTA-treated blood and heparin-treated blood. PCR products can be electrophoresis directly after amplification without the addition of loading buffer. Amplification speeds up to 15 sec/kb are suitable for fast PCR reactions, and amplification speeds can come up to 1 sec/kb within amplicon length ≤1 kb which can save PCR time greatly. It is suitable for PCR amplification ≤ 5 kb using genome as template and PCR amplification ≤10 kb using plasmid and λDNA as template. The product contains protective agent ingredients, which can ensure stability under freeze-thaw cycles.
If the template has more secondary structure, higher GC content, or longer than 5 kb, it is recommended to optimize more conditions or choose a high-fidelity series such as the 2X HyPerFUsion® High-Fidelity Master Mix (With dye) (Cat. K1030) or 2X Hyperfusion plus master mix (With dye) (Cat. K1117)。
If the subsequent experiment is clone, the product Taq DNA Polymerase kit (Cat. K1036) dye-free version is your more suitable choice. If agarose gel electrophoresis is required for PCR products, no loading buffer is required. We recommend our products SYBR Safe DNA Gel Stain (Cat: A8743) or Hyper Gel Red (Cat: A8746) for electrophoresis.