Zfp358 Rat siRNA Oligo Duplex (Locus ID 360754)

Referencia SR504369

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Zfp358 Rat siRNA Oligo Duplex (Locus ID 360754)

Stability One year from date of shipment when stored at -20; of transfections">Approximately 330 transfections/2nmol in 24-well plate under optimized conditions (final conc. 10 nM). Note Single siRNA duplex (10nmol) can be ordered. Reference Data RefSeq NM_001108328 Performance Guaranteed OriGene guarantees that at least two of the three Dicer-Substrate duplexes in the kit will provide at least 70% or more knockdown of the target mRNA when used at 10 nM concentration by quantitative RT-PCR when the TYE-563 fluorescent transfection control duplex (cat# SR30002) indicates that >90% of the cells have been transfected and the HPRT positive control (cat# SR30003) provides 90% knockdown efficiency.

For non-conforming siRNA, requests for replacement product must be made within ninety (90) days from the date of delivery of the siRNA kit. To arrange for a free replacement with newly designed duplexes, please contact Technical Services at tech@quimigen.pt. Please provide your data indicating the transfection efficiency and measurement of gene expression knockdown compared to the scrambled siRNA control (quantitative RT-PCR data required).


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